النفاذ إلى المعلومة حق دستوري

About INAI

The Access to Information Authority (known by its French acronym INAI) is an independent public body with legal personality and financial autonomy created by the Organic Law No. 22 of March 24, 2016, on the right of access to information, in order to ensure the exercise of this constitutional right and to establish the objectives of the law which aim at:

  • Ensuring the right to access information for every natural or legal person,
  • Promoting the principles of transparency and accountability, particularly with regard to the management of public services,
  • Improving the quality of the public service and enhancing confidence in the bodies subject to the provisions of this law,
  • enhancing public participation in developing, monitoring the implementation of and evaluating public policies,
  • Supporting scientific research.

INAI Missions

In accordance with the provisions of the Organic Law No. 2016-22 dated 24 March 2016 on the Right of Access to information, the Authority shall in particular:

  • Rule on appeals filed before the Authority in the area of ​​access to information. To this end, it shall carry out the necessary on-the-spot investigations at the agency concerned, and audition any person it deems useful to interrogate; INAI pronounces binding decisions and inform all relevant bodies about its decisions
  • All its decisions are published on the Authority’s website;
  • Follow up the commitment undertaken by the relevant bodies regarding proactive publication of information either by way of self-referral initiated by the Authority or following requests from a third party ;
  • Mandatorily issue opinions on draft laws and regulatory texts pertaining to the field of access to information;
  • Promote the culture of access to information in coordination with authorities subject to the provisions of this Law and civil society, through public awareness and training activities;
  • Issue guides for the application of the principles of the right of access to information.
  • Undertake periodic assessment of the extent to which the right to information is enshrined by the entities subject to the provisions of this Law;
  • Prepare an annual report on the Authority’s activities which is submitted to the President of the Republic, the president of the Parliament and the Head of the Government. The Authority shall publish the report on its website;
  • Exchange experiences and expertise with foreign counterparts and specialized international organizations. The Authority is vested with the power to conclude cooperation agreements pertaining to this area of concern.

Values of the Information Access Authority

The Information Access Authority undertakes to adhere to a set of values and principles and to support their reinforcement in public life. These values are:

  • Trust
  • Commitment
  • Independence
  • Integrity
  • Transparency
  • Respect

The strategic vision of the Authority

INAI seeks to effectively contribute in the establishment of the rule of law and institutions that are based on transparency and accountability and which ensure the right to participate in public life for every citizen through sustainable access to reliable and quality information.

The Composition of INAI Council

The INAI Council which supervises the work of the Authority is composed of nine members, as follows:

  • An administrative Judge, as President of INAI
  • A judiciary Judge, as Vice-President of INAI
  • Member of the Statistics National Council, member
  • A University professor specialized in ICT, member
  • Expert in administrative documents and archives, member
  • A lawyer, member
  • A journalist, member
  • A representative of the National Authority for Protection of Personal Data (INPDP) with at least two years standing at INPDP, member
  • A representative of associations working in fields related to access to information, member

The members of INAI Council are elected by the Parliament based on the criteria of competence, independence and impartiality and appointed by a Governmental Decree for a non-renewable six-year (6) term. The INAI Council shall be renewed by half every three (3) years in accordance with the procedures stipulated in the Law.

Before assuming their duties, the INAI President and members shall take the oath before the President of the Republic.

The INAI President shall be the legal representative of the Authority. The Authority and its staff members shall be under the administrative and financial supervision of INAI President.

The Authority shall also comprise a General Secretariat which ensures the administrative and financial affairs of the Authority, and technical units which oversee the various functions assigned to the Authority and its staff. These structures shall consist of staff members hired on secondment from public administration institutions, on contracts and in accordance with the Authority’ Staff Regulations.

INAI Resources

The Authority’s resources shall consist of:

  • Public grants allocated by the State;
  • Revenues from the activities and services of the Authority;
  • Donations granted to the Authority in accordance with the legislation and regulations in force;
  • Other revenues allocated to the Authority by virtue of a law or a regulatory text;

Expenditure and keeping the Authority’s accounts shall be subject to the Code of Public Accounting.