
In particular, the Authority shall:
- Adjudicate upon disputes filed before the Authority in the area of access to information. To this end and where necessary, it shall carry out the necessary on-the-spot investigations at the agency concerned, initiate all investigation procedures and interview any person it deems useful to interrogate;
- Inform all relevant bodies and the access applicant in person about its decisions
- Publish its decisions on its website;
- Follow up the commitment undertaken by the authority in question to proactive publication of information either by way of self-referral initiated by the Authority or following requests from a third party ;
- Mandatorily issue an opinion on draft laws and regulatory texts pertaining to the field of access to information;
- Promote the culture of access to information in coordination with authorities subject to the provisions of this Law and civil society, through public awareness and training activities;
- Issue guides for the application of the principles of the right of access to information.
- Undertake periodic assessment of the extent to which the right to information is enshrined by authorities subject to the provisions of this Law;
- Prepare an annual report on its activities which is submitted to the President of the Republic, the Speaker of the Assembly of the Representatives of the People and the Head of the Government. The Authority shallAuthority shall publish the report on its website;
- Exchange experiences and expertise with foreign counterparts and international organizations specialized in the subject. The Authority is vested with the power to conclude cooperation agreements pertaining to this area of concern.