النفاذ إلى المعلومة حق دستوري

Access to Information Space

Order to promote the principles of transparency and accountability, ensuring to ensure the improvement of public utilities, enhancing and to enhance public participation in developing, monitoring the implementation of and evaluating public policies aimed at establishing a relationship of trust among authorities subject to the provisions of this Law, natural and legal persons and Civil Society Organizations, the right of access to information is enshrined in Article 32 of the Tunisian Constitution as a Constitutional right and its exercise is guaranteed by the State.

Organic Law No. 2016-22 dated 24 March 2016 on the Right of Access to Information (RAI) lays down the implementing measures and the related procedures.

Access to information shall be provided through the proactive publication of information at the initiative of the bodies covered by the provisions of this Law (Chapters 6, 7 and 8 of RAI Law) or at the request of any natural or legal person by submitting a written request for information pursuant to the Access to Information request form made available to the public by the public authority (Access to Information request form).

The Access to Information Officer representing the relevant authority shall receive, process and respond to access requests within the time limits prescribed by law.

The applicant whose request for information is refused may make a complaint to the head of the relevant authority within twenty (20) days following the reception of the decision notice. The head of the relevant authority shall respond to the complaint, within the shortest possible delay, no later than ten (10) days from the date the complaint is filed.

Failure of the head of the relevant authority to provide a response during the said period is deemed a tacit refusal. The Access to Information Requester may appeal directly to The Access to Information Authority .

Grievance Form can be downloaded below

Access to Information Request Form

Download Access to Information Request Form Insert the details of the requester and the information requested

Grievance Form

Download Grievance Form in the event you are not provided with the requested information or response within statutory timeframes